Moon Description

Earth's moon is the fifth largest in the solar system, and the planet is bigger than plots. The moon has approximately circular orbit (E = 0.05) which is more than 5 ° on the surface of the ground. The average distance from the ground is 384,400 km. The size of the moon and its distance from the earth shows the same size in the sky as the sun, which is a reason, which we can complete the solar energy circles.

Moon Description
Moon Description

Once the moon takes 27.322 days to go around the earth. Because of this movement, the moon seems to move about 13 ° or half an hour against the stars every day. If you watch the moon during a few hours a few hours, you will notice that its position will change between stars. The moon's changing position along with sun respect leads to lunar stages. Have you ever heard the term 'round' of the moon? Because of the impact on the moon of sleeping forces due to the ground, only one part of the moon is facing the earth. In other words, the moon rotates once again at the same time, because the moon has to go around once again for the moon. Therefore, ground-based observers have never seen the moon's 'round'. Trial forces have to make many of our solar system's causes of this kind of meditation.
Moon is the same land as Earth and the rest of the solar system - about 4.5 billion years. Our solar system was set up at this time. We think that moon and earth formed at the same time, when our entire solar system was established. The earth was made of many rocks and ice cream. Possibly a big part killed the new land and found a large piece, which became the moon. You may have learned, there is no moon around it. The air that surrounds our land serves as a good blanket to keep us warm and comfortable! But the moon, because it does not have a blanket, heat is hotter than the ground and heat over the ground. The sun is shining from the moon, temperature reaches 260% furnace! It's hot than boiling. The dark side of the moon, it gets very cold, -280 ° furnace heat.
Moon level is about two inch inches dust. Many of this dust have fallen from the empty spaces in the last several billions of years. Maybe it feels very soft. You can see this in a few pictures that astronauts took on the feet of your feet on the moon. The moon is made of different rocks. The rocks on the ground look exactly like that. But on earth, we are wind and rain that help the rocks wear in the sand and dirt. There is no wind or wind on the moon, so stones do not run on earth because they are just a moon. If you count all the chickens around all the planets in our solar system, there are 61 (ground is one, mushroom is two, joint 16, planet 18, urine 15, nip one 8, and Plato one. More than that we have not yet found!

The initial study of moon movement and position of tides was allowed and forecaster due to calendars. The moon was the first new world on which humans set foot. The information has come back from the campaigns with which automatic spacecraft and remote sensing has been gathered by observations, has become an acute knowledge of the Moon, which is more than any other cosmic body than Earth. Although many questions are about its structure, structure, and history, it has become clear that the moon keeps the key to understanding the origin and solar system of the earth. In addition, its close proximity to the Earth, its rich potential, has been the source of material and energy, and its ability to be a laboratory for capital science and to know about such a life and to work in place. There is a place; the moon is an important place. For the first settlements of humans outside the surface of the earth. Croatia was thrown into a moon, which could result in water proof of snow, but no one was seen.
Some biologists (thousands of people from all over the world) who have studied the samples of the moon know that those who think of adopting the moon samples were created on earth because of the government conspiracy about such rocks I do not know. Apply samples are just very good. They tell themselves a continuous story with a complex intervention plot that is better than any story that may have a plot. I have studied rock stones and soil for 45+ years, and I could not even make a poor implication of a chicken brewery, chicken soil, or basalt in Liberty. And with the respect of all the cheerful colleagues in the government laboratory, none of the "government" did this, even now we know where the moon stones are. Qatar samples do not mainly show proof of being in a very dry environment with no free oxygen and small gravity. Some big and small sweet effects are impact craters and many display evidence on the surface for incredible and complex effects associated with the effects. 
Chicken stones and soil gases (hydrogen, helium, nitrogen, neon, arcane, Hutton and xenon) are included. The solar air is derived from air, which is different from the same gases isotope ratio. These include crystalline damage from cosmic rays. Chandra-air rocks have the age of crystallization, which are fixed by the techniques involved in radioisotopes, which are more than any known ground stone. (Anyone who is capable of Nobel Prize figures to fake fake.) Instead of being able to go on the moon and cheap and to bring some of these stones instead of creating these most interesting features on earth. After writing these words, I learned that some of my favorite companions had expressed similar feelings.


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