Human Nature

There is no perfect human in the world, but the heavenly and most sacred person is their faults. But my belief is that every person was born out of sin, because you are not mistaken when you are a child. But I believe that humans are not primarily good or bad, but both. Humans are not good every human is facing their mistakes, it does not matter how hard a person works. I believe that humans too are bad, because of the mistakes that God has declared to be angry. Therefore, man is a small part of both.
Man is not good because of this fact because someone has to disobey or break in his life. Nobody can be very good, because I know it's an impossible thing. If you think you are good, then you should not do anything every day, and you have to close yourself in your room.

Human Nature
Human Nature
Human beings are worse than greed. Every one of us did something that was not ideally, sometimes we knew what we did. And for that, we all are bad, but most people are not bad, as everyone's going to prison, so we get the balance of things.

That's how we both are good and bad. We have our holy day, and we have our bad day. We are not perfect humans. This is what happens when we start thinking about ourselves and we know what is happening in our environment, apart from this, when we were younger and what we wanted to do, now we have control over our lives. Our daily decisions make us at the moment we are right now. We can sometimes be good, and sometimes it may be bad. One thing that did not mention in the sermon that it does not matter if God loves everyone. Whether you are really good or bad, God will always seek to forgive your sins in his heart, as long as you are trying and take part.
So far, to answer the most deep and dark about all the questions about human nature - in fact, about our human condition - whether we are humans primarily good or bad, we Learned to avoid the entire unwanted theme, so, in fact, the human condition is described as 'unusual abusive', and cannot go near 'black box inside humans'. Indeed, psychologist Carl Jag referring to the horrible subject of human condition, saying that when "[our shadow] appears," it is possible for a person to acknowledge the nature of his nature, But for this, it is a rare and dependent experience that they try to face absolute evil. '(In the works collected by CG Jig, ion, yes, in our nature,' absolute evil '' severe ' It is possible. If we allow our minds to think about it, then humans can really be a terrible mistake.

Therefore, although the problem of human condition is a real, fundamental problem that we need to solve, and then we want to improve its solution and restore human behavior, we are afraid of the condition of the person to face and try Instead of doing this; we refuse to solve it and are ready to avoid it. The fact is that if we are very much focused on the need to love each other and to 'save the world, the real need if we really wanted to succeed in doing so Meant to be loved The dark side of our own - which was causing a lot of trouble and destruction to find the compromised human condition affected by our 'good and evil'! Karl Jag was always saying that 'Absolutist for humans is the ability to be the owner of their own shadow' because he has acknowledged that only our darkness is just about our basic beauty. We can eliminate basic problems and be capable of humans, make us 'whole'. The first respected philosophy, Sir Lawrence van der Pose, made the same point when he said, 'True love is hard and incredible love' (travel in Russia, 1964) and 'just understand what we are doing It is a part of the same contemporary pattern [war, cruelty, greed, and foolish] we can defeat these dark forces with the real understanding of their nature and the original’
It was in the 18th and 19th centuries that writers expressed concern the amount of destruction of humans was due to the environment. Was usually there is still a positive attitude towards humanity's environment, but there was one Increasing awareness, human strength can greatly affect the balance of nature. It was the most remarkable in the US, where the Earth land is rapidly destroyed. The change in the environment in Europe was such a long period that the extent of human impact on the rural areas was not so clear. At present science and technology were doing great development and there Since then there were all geographical, geography, biological and physical sciences the information that was expanding rapidly.

Increasing knowledge increased Control of humanity on the environment. The damage caused by the environment with increasing control was more severe. Likewise positively gave positive accounts of nature when Western civilization Rapid development, but they could not feel that they needed luxury to do so. Already this article shows that Adam was in the hands of nature enrollment they had to be completely practically practiced with nature. 18 and in Europe the nature of the people about the many centuries of the 19th century was reduced. With There were wealth and wealth collected for many people there was an opportunity to reflect on nature and to see it aesthetically. Movement Romantic is ready at this time. Romanticism was a reaction to science Revolution. Romantic, comfortable with an economically secure position Scientific experts criticized the nature of their own goals and refused to see it only.
On this point there is an objection that medieval growth will likely be more likely to encourage sympathy as well as the contemporary philosophy. The medieval way of putting it started saying that no nature can be "permanently" angry. One more contemporary method of putting it is that if it is naturally necessary for X, P, then it's time to have X or at least in a possible potential world with X. "But in your account" My opposition is continuing, "it is naturally necessary that the duty of Christ is the property of humanity, although it does not have any presence in any possible world at any time!" It has been said in such a way that such objection is slightly higher than a corruption, but perhaps it becomes more powerful when it comes to the following question: "Can it possibly mean to say that someone It is naturally necessary for things when it is resignation impossible for this asset!? "

As I mentioned above, I claim that X is naturally necessary for the P. that it is almost equal to the claim that the nature of X is from the nature of its existence. Pass exists and harmless with God's actions not to perform any external actions, to create natural agents and actions of conservative and their character. Looking at this organic equality, I have claimed about illegal allegations of infringement, and then it is only following that XPP may be naturally necessary though it is impossible to be impossible. In the absence of any further explanation of objection, it is difficult to know what to say more in the answer. Of course, I felt well that my positions are not well sitting with natural needs and the treatment of the standard world of illegal seminar potential. Perhaps I would eventually be forced to discuss here, on the basis of these basis, on the basis of this, it is very limited to use the framework of the potential world in these cases. In any case, I hope to find these places and related issues deeper in the second place.


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