Samsung Galaxy S9

Samsung Galaxy S9

Samsung Galaxy S9

Samsung Galaxy S9

The Samsung Galaxy S9 phone is going to lead the charge where we've tested the best iPhone Galaxy S8, but it's not an upgrade, though it's best to make our list Gives camera phone.
Well, it's at first glance, because it's the latest information that some people will appeal to buy Galaxy S9. Yes, this galaxy is similar to Galaxy S8, and in fact, it really needs to be 'S' of the model if Samsung wants to reject Apple's inappropriate strategy.
But there is also a new, high power behind it, which produces genuine innovation in the dual aperture shutter, as well as more strong frames and so much power under the hood.
The screen is bright and the dual speakers make it even more spectacular - and with the S8 easy to open the phone with your face or fingers, a huge mistake of Galaxy S9 fixtures with S8 failed, the 2017 model failed. Was it We are currently nominated as one of the best smartphones around you.
If it seems as if we are talking to an unexpected phone, it's absolutely partial - but we want to make sure you know major changes on S9 if you are worried because the last year's model Looks like this.
These plus points are also set against a high-cost background; We are not talking here at the iPhone XS level, but it's still one of the expensive options you can buy. Large Samsung Galaxy S9 plus with 6.2 inches screen is also pricier.
So if you are trying to change the 2016 phone, do you really offer enough stories to make Glacier S9 a valuable upgrade, or Cheap Galaxy S8 is still the best option?
The Samsung Galaxy S9 release date was March 16, 2018. On the Glacial S9 price launch £ 739, $ 719.99, or AU $ 1,999 was up to Samsung directly from Samsung, but now it's very cheap.
In the UK, the original price was a huge jump during the last year's handset, which was worth £ 689. However, this price has now declined, and if you purchase around you, you can find this galaxy S9 in the UK for about 500 pounds (you make the latest and largest Galaxy S9 credentials from here. ) And about $ 650 in America you purchase it, make it a very attractive offer.
Depending on the cost of the UK on the contract, you can expect to pay 32 pounds and £ 50 for the decent slag of the figure, though with some contracts you have to pay a little above.
There are no storage variables of this phone, although in the UK or in the United States, with just 64GB options on sale, but in some markets, Galaxy S9 is available at 128GB and 256GB built-in.
He took us for a while in the form of RM Emmy ... and then he did not have to be bored.

Let's be honest here: This is a clear response to Apple's animation, which starts with the iPhone X, and in front of the iPhone X (and now using the True Speed cam in front of the iPhone XS, iPhone XS Maximum and iPhone XR), and iOS 12 updates have similar moody tricks.
Samsung's offer looks like its underwater version, plus a bit more personality. To create your own Avatar, you smile in the front facing camera, and Galaxy S9 creates your own digital version.

Once it's created, you can change the color of your AV hairstyle and skin and choose an outfit. It is shame that there are no more customization options because organizations are slightly limited and hairstyles are not particularly spoiled.
It looks like a small thing, but you and your friends - are going to struggle to engage with it if you can not see your RMMM as you can.

In our examination, we felt that we needed to produce our avatar a few times, sometimes weird like a form of a strange face or wrong color.
We also had to take advantage of the fact that our time does not look like all, though some of the creative gifs you can quickly use for social networks. We suddenly saw that our RMMG has twisted some of our features well. Different angle.

These gifs are probably the best thing about this new feature - and they get faster than quickly. You send friends to sync apps (Rm Emmie GIFs are trapped in the Galaxy S9 keyboard, but you can not add them to Twitter or Gmail, only apps in apps as soon as possible), but innovation beautiful Wears soon.

Everything you can do speaks as an RM Emei recording a video of yourself ... and things where things are exposed. The Galaxy S9 takes you most of your features but also gives you the face or eye that flows slightly in time when the camera loses you.

Anyone who reads our Galaxy S8 review last year feels fast at this time that biometric unlimited features of this phone make it almost inactive. The Fingerprint Scanner was very difficult to reach, the Iris scanner is also incredible and face recognition is very poor only.

Samsung needs to do something, and with this, with now three features we now look smooth and discuss. Intelligent Scan marries iris scanners and faces recognition to unlock your phone away with easy work away, far away with your face, and it was mentioned as much to kill fingerprint scanners.

 It's easy there are some doubts about the biometric system. First, face 2D Scan S9 makes it easy for you to recognize other methods such as fingerprint scanners or Apple's face recognition.
This is not a big problem for us - The fingerprint scanner is also a better way to pay things, and there is more security about the biometric connectivity facility.
Another key feature that is speaking on Samsung Galaxy S9 is a better speaker setup. If you are tired of listening to the bottom of your phone, you will appreciate that the above fireworks are now able to fire the face of your face.
These speakers also see Dolby Atmos support the sound, give you a sense of space from audio from your phone.

The volume and quality of the overall sound are coming from this phone. If anything could be a bit, and we searched ourselves on the spot, despite watching the video only on social media.


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